Harmonizing Digital and Environmental Transitions?

Conscious Talk

This event is organized in collaboration with ID2Green (CAP Innove) and is free of charge thanks to the support of FEDER.

The intersection of digital innovation and environmental sustainability sparks lively debates and varying viewpoints. While digital technologies promise efficiency and economic growth, they also raise concerns about energy consumption and ecological impact.

In this Conscious Talk, we delve into the heart of this duality, offering an exploration from two complementary angles.

Firstly, we’ll examine the interactions between digital technology and the environment from an expert viewpoint. What’s the reality of digital energy consumption? What are the tangible impacts on natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions? How is knowledge structured around these issues, and what recent advancements have been made? 

Secondly, we’ll address the political dimension of this cohabitation. How can we align digital and environmental transitions with the societal visions we aspire to achieve? What policies and measures can be implemented to foster a just and sustainable transition? 

Join us on May 21st to explore the challenges, opportunities, and necessary compromises to create a future where digital progress aligns with environmental preservation.

About our speakers

Steve Tumson is a committed engineer, at the forefront of societal issues.
He is senior consultant in many fields related to technology and management, with a focus on sustainable ICT (he is officially recognized as a Silver Expert by ISIT Europe).

Steve is also



David Bol leads the Electronic Circuits and Systems (ECS) group focused on ultra-low-power design of integrated circuits for environmental and biomedical IoT applications including computing, power management, sensing and wireless communications with a holistic focus on environmental sustainability. He is actively engaged in a social-ecological transition in the field of ICT research with a post-growth approach. He (co-)teaches six M.S. courses in Electrical Engineering at UCLouvain on digital, analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems as well as sensors, with two B.S. courses including the course on Sustainable Development and Transition.
On the private side, he pioneered the parental leave amongst male professors in his faculty to spend time connecting to nature with his family, in a post-growth deceleration.

Event Details:
  • 12:00 AM – 12:30 AM: Lunch
  • 12:30 PM – 14:00 PM: Dynamic and engaging conversation about sustainable digital + Q&A.

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