Terms & Conditions


The “Sench” Community (hereinafter, the “Community) is a collaborative conscious community of ecopreneurs, changemakers, CSR experts & eco-conscious citizens working together to build a more sustainable and equitable world through conscious business & consumption practices.

Sench’s value proposition is to raise consciousness, improve the visibility of ecopreneurs and changemakers with valuable content and activations.

Our mission is to speed up the shift in consumption, production, and financing behaviors in a desirable, practical and pragmatic manner.

To achieve its objectives, Sench organizes numerous physical and digital activities, including Conscious Talk (Meet & Greet with ecopreneurs, Discussion panel, conference, conversation…), business speed dating events, creative and business workshops, trainings, teambuilding activities, small group knowledge-sharing meetings, exclusive experience like private dinners, ecotrips, ecoactions, etc.

Sench also intends to promote several values and principles that transcend its activities, including trust, respect, empowerment, pragmatism, positivism and caring.


Article 1: Name –  Registered and operational office

  1. The Community is owned by Sench SRL/BV, a company with registered office located at Avenue de Floréal 118, 1180 Brussels, with company number [BE0805162752] (referred to as “Sench”, “we”, “our”, or “us”)). 
  2. The Community may also have operating offices in Belgium (on a different address than its registered office) or abroad. The events and experiences may not take place in our registered or operational offices, but in different co-working or event spaces.

Article 2: Objective

  1. The objective of the Community is to create, stimulate and expand collaboration between eco-conscious citizens, eco-responsible brands/craftsmen, and changemakers who wish to generate prosperity while having an ecological and social impact. 
  2. Sench may undertake all actions directly or indirectly related to its purpose. It may also cooperate and take an interest in any similar activity.

Article 3: Administration and Governance of Sench

  1. The Community is administered by the CEO (“administrateur” / “bestuurder”) and Community & Operation Director (“administrateur-délégué” / “gedelegeerd bestuurder”)  (the “Sench Management”). 
  2. The Sench Management makes all decisions relating to the management of the  Community and will be supported by an operational team.
  3. The Sench Management may be assisted with the strategic direction and event planning of the Community by the “Advisory Board”. The Advisory Board is composed at the discretion of the Sench Management.

Article 4: General obligations

  1. The obligations set out in these terms and conditions (“T&C”) shall be applicable to all Members, Participants and Customers.
  2. Sench Management may revoke, supplement, or alter these obligations at any time. Any such changes shall be communicated to the Members.


Sench offers access to a community of eco-conscious corporates, changemakers, and ecopreneurs who want to leverage their impact.

To become a member of this conscious club, which includes an exclusive community of various Belgian and international sustainable brands, ecopreneurs, changemakers, public institutions, and CSR experts, candidates must follow the procedure defined below.

To attend an event or book an activity, you don’t have to be a member, but being a member gives you access to preferred prices.

To ensure that members share the same vision and values as Sench, its founders reserve the right to decide whether or not to grant membership.

Article 5: Service offered to the Members 

  1. Eco-conscious Corporate/Changemakers

Obtaining a membership as an eco-conscious corporate (legal person) in the Conscious Community allows you to benefit from:

  • Full access to a premium community of conscious people and promising ecopreneurs.
  • Unlimited access to Conscious Talks.
  • Priority access to exclusive premium-conscious* events at a special member pricing : workshops and training sessions, conscious dinners and lunches, conscious trips, annual gala,
  • 5 or 10 free invitations (depending of your membership) to our Conscious Talks for your clients or employees.
  • Exclusive Advantages – 10% on all Sench Services and Offers or on Sench partners services.

* Premium-conscious events refer to special events with additional features or benefits. Not included in the annual membership fee and with a limited amount of participants: our premium events, workshops and trainings, our conscious dinners and trips and the annual gala.

2. Eco-preneurs (brands / craftsmen)

Obtaining a membership as an ecopreneur (legal person) in the community allows you to benefit from:

  • Access to our Ecopreneur Community:
    • Join the “hotline” WhatsApp group for instant exchanges and expert advice.
    • Attend exclusive events for ecopreneurs (pay-as-you-go pricing): 
      • Breakfast Chat: Business-oriented, problem-solving, and collective intelligence.
      • Experience Sharing Lunch: Or inspiration talks with fellow ecopreneurs.
      • Afterwork Networking: 1 drink included, additional drinks à la carte.
  • Visibility Package:
    • Profile page on the Sench website.
    • Inclusion in the Sench newsletter.
    • Presence on Sench social media.
    • Visibility opportunities at events or through media partnerships.*
  • Match-Making: Personalized match-making or through speed-dating events.*
  • Opportunities for pop-up stores and B2B listings.
  • Unlimited Access to Conscious Talks (excluding catering).
  • Exclusive Option: Become a Conscious Talk Speaker:
    • Event promotion on social media.
    • Publication of an article on Medium.
    • Publication of an article on LinkedIn.

*Free, paid, or in exchange.

Article 6: Application for membership by a new applicant

  1. Applications for membership could be submitted, at any time, by filling in an application form,  which is available on https://sench.be
  2. Sench’s Management is responsible to determine the maximum amount of Members, as well as the profile of the Members sought. The operational team will review the applications for membership under the supervision of the Sench Management. The decision to grant membership is based on the content of the application form as well as one interview with the operational team.     Decisions do not have to be motivated in any way.  The applicants will receive a notice when there is an unfavorable decision.
  3. In the event of a favorable response to an application for membership, the applicant shall immediately become a member of the Community and the annual membership fee shall therefore also become immediately due.
  4. Membership fees will be paid through bank transfer or credit/debit card online. Payments must be made in Euros. 
  5. By submitting the application form, the applicant declares to have the knowledge of and has accepted these T&C.

Article 7: Membership renewal procedure

  1. Corporate Membership is valid for a period of one year from the date Sench receives the payment of the annual membership fee made by the Member.
  2. Ecopreneurs Membership is valid for a period of one year from the date Sench receives the payment of the first month membership fee made by the Member.
  3. 3. Ecopreneurs Membership is renewable annually on the anniversary of the membership. A Member who does not wish to renew his/her membership must notify Sench in writing no later than six weeks before the expiry of his/her yearly membership.
  4. If the renewal is not explicitly cancelled, the ecopreneurs membership will be tacitly renewed for a period of one year. After the first anniversary, an ecopreneur member may at any time terminate his membership by sending an e-mail to info@sench.be, whereby respecting a 6 weeks notice period.

Article 8: Revision of the annual membership fee

  1. The amount of the annual membership fee could be revised unilaterally and annually by Sench. The Members shall be informed at least ten (10) days before the entry into force of the revised membership fee. 
  2. The revised membership fee shall be applicable to each Member for the year following the year for which the membership fee has already been paid.

Article 9: Revocation and expiration of membership

  1. Membership may be revoked upon the Community’s decision at any time for good cause without justification to the concerned Member. The Community ensures to promote certain values and principles which underlies their actions and as such, setting a standard of excellence. Behavior that does not conform to these fundamental principles may undermine the Community’s integrity and its Members. When such behavior occurs, membership may be revoked for just cause which includes, but not limited to:
    • failure to comply with the Community’s    Code of Conduct (Part V);
    • conviction for a misdemeanor or felony;
    • non-payment of the annual membership fee for a period of 30 days or more after receipt of a second payment reminder; and
    • inappropriate behaviour towards other Members or the Community’s staff.

The exclusion is notified to the person concerned by e-mail and takes effect on the date of sending. The person concerned will remain liable for the payments due for that year.

  1. Membership shall expire automatically upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of a Member (for the eco-preneurs or corporate).
  2. In no event will any revocation or expiration of any Member entitle such Member to any refund of the annual membership fees that have already been paid.

IV. Activities

Article 10: Registrations 

  1. Members and if applicable, guests/participants, can register for an activity on our dedicated webpage “Events” at: https://sench.be/events/ 
  1. If our activities are only open for a limited amount of participants, registrations will be open on a first-come, first-served basis. We will open a waiting list for sold-out activities.
  2. After you complete the checkout process, a confirmation of your registration will be send to you via e-mail. For paid events, please send an e-mail to info@sench.be to receive an invoice.

Article 11:
Payments relating to the activities

  1. As indicated above, depending on the membership some activities (such as event, workshops, trainings, conscious experiences and the annual gala) are not included in the annual membership fee and are therefore subject to prepayment.
  2. Like nonmembers, ecocitizens, participants and customers who want to attend an event or activity must pay the full à la carte price.
  3. Those prepayments can be made via bank transfer or credit/debit card online. Payments must be made in Euros. The payment will not be considered received until we receive cleared funds. 
  4. We strive to ensure that the prices of the activities on our website are accurate. If a mistake is found in the pricing after your booking of the activity has been accepted, we will inform you promptly and offer the option to reconfirm at the correct price or cancel your booking. If you cancel due to this error, we will refund or re-credit you for any payment made, unless the terms and conditions of the supplier state otherwise. 

Article 12: Cancellation of the activity by us

  1. If an event on our website requires a minimum number of participants and that number is not reached by the deadline set on the website, we may cancel the activity, and liability will be limited to the return of the payment made for that specific event. We are not liable for events included in the annual membership fee. We are also not liable if an activity booked through the website is cancelled by one of our suppliers (e.g. a conference). 
  2. We reserve the right to make changes to the time, location, program or conditions of the activity. You cannot claim a refund due to these changes.


Article 13: Cancellation of your participation to the activity by you

  1. Members or Participants may cancel their participation in any Community event within 2 business days before the start of the event. Cancellations made within this timeframe will be refunded (minus an administration cost of EUR 5) by bank transfer.
  2. Refund is not possible in case of late cancellation or not attending the activity. 
  3. In case of late cancellation or no attendance, the Member will receive a first warning. After three (3) warnings, membership can be temporarily suspended.


Article 14 : Member and Participants conduct

  1. Each Member and Participants shall treat others with respect and when interacting with other Members or the Community’s staff. This includes interacting with others with consideration for their opinions, culture, values, social position, gender and age.
  2. Discrimination based on religious, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation, disability, gender, social origin, language, political beliefs, age or membership of a particular group is strictly and formally prohibited within the Community.
  3. The Community puts human development and respect for human dignity at the very core of its activities. In this respect, each member of the Community shall demonstrate open-mindedness, i.e. tolerance, curiosity and understanding for ideas that differ in whole or in part from his or her own.
  4. The central concern of human environmental responsibility is an essential and fundamental subject for the Community.
  5. Our Members and Participants should respect our values: Truth, Respect, Empowerment, Pragmatism, Positivism & Caring.
  6. We kindly request that Members and Participants be mindful of others when taking photos or videos at Community events.
  7. Any form of violent or aggressive behavior towards other Members, participants, or staff will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action by the Sench Management.
  8. Members and Participants are held accountable for their own behavior and the behavior of their guests. Complaints against Members or guests will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, as determined by the Sench Management.
  9. Any Member or Participants who violates these rules may be asked to leave the Community’s premises immediately.

Article 15: Dresscode

The Community does not impose any specific dress code. However, the Community assumes that all its Members or Participants dress in a manner appropriate to their environment.

Article 16: Use of the telephone

  1. The Community aims to encourage human interaction and exchange. To this end, the Community asks its members and participants to use their telephones only sparingly and to make their phone calls in the dedicated areas.
  2. The Community also asks its Members and participants not to share images, photos or videos of other Members/participants without their prior consent.

Article 17: Contact

If you have any questions about your membership and/or our Community rules, please contact us at info@sench.be.

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