Our Events

Our diverse event and experience program offers opportunities to meet like-minded people, learn about conscious business and consumption practices, gain empowerment, and support  local sustainable brands and projects.

For our brand members, it’s also a chance to showcase their brand and products, share their story and inspire people.

Our Agenda

Don’t miss out on our next events.

Harmonizing Digital and Environmental Transitions?

Explore the challenges and opportunities of harmonizing digital and environmental transitions from expert and political perspectives.

Boldness and Conscience: The Audacious Formula for Sustainable Success

Sophie Robert-Velut, Olivier de Cartier, and Jean-Philippe Michaux will come together to unveil how they’ve shaken up the norms in their respective industries. These three innovative thinkers will guide you through the challenges and opportunities presented by the disruption in their fields. Organized in collaboration with La Smala and Solvay.

SOLD OUT – What labels or certifications can strengthen my company’s ESG approach?

Why and how to validate the sustainable actions of my company through a label or certification?

SOLD OUT – Sustainable Creations, Responsible Flavors: Brunch at Augusta gallery.

Enjoy a unique brunch experience combining the discovery of responsible design at Augusta and the tasting of a locally prepared brunch.

SOLD OUT – Building or renovating for the future: sustainable practices to adopt.

Explore the core principles of Eco-Construction and Eco-Renovation in an accessible and inspiring manner.

SOLD OUT – Cultivating Responsible Pleasures: Embracing the Delight of Mindful Travel

Discovering Sustainable, Authentic, and Ethical Travel: Unveiling Innovative Experiences and Practical Tips for Earth-friendly Journeys.

SOLD OUT – Reimagining Footwear: Paving the Way for a New Standard?

Introducing Allison and Arnaud Vanderplanke, CEOs of the Maniet-Luxus Group and Manexco, along with the eco-conscious brand Norm—the world’s foremost in sustainable sneakers.

SOLD OUT – Entrepreneurship without Destruction: Harnessing the Power of Ecolonomy

Meet Emmanuel Druon, the Visionary Bridging Ecology and Economy. In an era where environmental concerns dominate global discussions, this concept boldly emerges as a response to the imperative of harmonizing economic growth with environmental stewardship.

SOLD OUT – Make Sustainable Irresistible.

Discover how to make sustainability not just a choice, but more importantly, a lifestyle that people genuinely want to embrace.

SOLD OUT – Responsible Investment: Long-Term Vision, Sustainable Success

Explore how a long-term vision in responsible investment can lead to sustainable success and positively influence financial, social, and environmental performance.

SOLD OUT – Facing the challenge of food waste, how can we take action?

Visionary initiatives like Signore, Entropy, and Dalf show us the way, transforming waste and unsold goods into sustainable opportunities for our planet. 🌍🍽️

SOLD OUT – The Future is Circular: Joining Forces with Startup Innovators.

Join Raphael Masvigner, co-founder of Circul’R, for a captivating journey into circular economy. Unveil inspiring start-up that shape sustainable futures and learn what are the challenges.

SOLD OUT – Natural Beauty and Style at Makesenz

Discover the flawless harmony between natural beauty and eco-conscious fashion: Allow Sophie to initiate you into the secrets of natural cosmetics. Natalya will unveil how to adopt a more environmentally-friendly approach to fashion

SOLD OUT – How do Regenerative Agriculture and Biodiversity Jointly Benefit Our Planet?

Dive into the synergy of regenerative agriculture and biodiversity, discovering how they shape a more sustainable future. Marc-Antoine De Mees, Marina Cartalis & Aricia Evlard in conversation with Salma Haouach.

Our Events

Experience the transformative power of our events—where you’ll connect with like-minded individuals, expand your eco-consciousness, and be empowered to make a positive impact. 

Conscious Talk

Network, nurture your consciousness, and be inspired by ecopreneurs sharing unique stories, values, and vision, embracing sustainability or by experts.

Conscious Experience

Experience exclusive dining events with custom menus and captivating stories. Limited to 10 guests. Embark on an eco trip to explore projects and sustainable brands.

Business Speed Dating

Generate synergies and business opportunities through business speed dating.

Creative Workshops

Create sustainable pieces in workshops led by skilled creators.

Business Workshops

Identify and solve business issues with relevant experts' guidance and practical insights


Empower through eco-conscious trainings. Explore sustainability with expert guidance.