What labels or certifications can strengthen my company's ESG approach?

Conscious Talk

Labels, certifications, frameworks… When seeking to validate the sustainable approach of one’s company, it’s a veritable jungle of possibilities that present themselves, and one must navigate through to find the path towards the most relevant recognition for its clients, collaborators, and partners.

The arrival of European regulations reshuffles the deck, as on one hand, the CSRD framework delineates the sustainability requirements of major players on their suppliers and their entire value chain (thus, the information and evidence to be provided). And on the other hand, Europe plans in its fight against greenwashing that labels without independent certification processes will no longer be usable…

We will endeavor to help you better understand the opportunities and challenges that labeling initiatives can represent, what good questions to ask, what it really says about your company, or what the arrival of CSRD might potentially change in the current landscape of labels and certifications.

Join us on April 16th to decrypt and better understand how to enhance the sustainability approach of your company.

About our speakers

  • Dominique Loroy : Belgian representative for the ‘Engagé RSE’ label and Responsibility Europe of AFNOR.
  • Clara Bardiau : B Leader – Company’s sustainable development strategy, impact management, B Corp certification.
  • Eliane Dupret : CEO of BetterBusiness and creator of the ShiftingPact certification.
  • Noémie de Crombrugghe : Head of innovation at Vicinity.


Event Details :

4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Coffee
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM: Dynamic and engaging conversation about labels and certifications + Q&A.
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Networking.


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